If you want to buy some of these "Cruel Tales", send me an email to tamerlanelcruel@gmail.com with your request and I will tell you the steps to follow.
HOT POTS, issue nº1
Price: 8 $
HOT POTS, issue nº2
Price: 8 $
HOT POTS, issue nº3
Price: 8 $
HOT POTS, issue nº4
Content: 10 plates with 5 young castaways captured and processed by
cannibals in the jungle. (10 plates x 5 castaways= 50 drawings of
distressed castaways)
Price: 8 $
The Queen is hungry
“The Queen is hungry” is a commission of the very talented Pulptooner COARSUS.
Very kindly, COARSUS allows me to sell the story publicly.
Storyboard and texts: COARSUS
Art: Tamerlanelcruel
Price: just 8 $
Thumbnails in: http://thequeenishungry.blogspot.com/
“The Queen is hungry” is a cannibal story set in the Middle Ages. A beautiful and wicked Queen capture and cook girls, to devour them at banquets with his courtesans.
The first drawing is free.
Francine Smith Very kindly, COARSUS allows me to sell the story publicly.
Storyboard and texts: COARSUS
Art: Tamerlanelcruel
Price: just 8 $
Thumbnails in: http://thequeenishungry.blogspot.com/
“The Queen is hungry” is a cannibal story set in the Middle Ages. A beautiful and wicked Queen capture and cook girls, to devour them at banquets with his courtesans.
The first drawing is free.
Content: 11 plates with Francine Smith captured and processed by pigmies in the jungle.
Price: 8 dollars
Five young castawaysThumbnails in http://fiveyoungcastaways.blogspot.com/
Price: 8 dollars
Troubles in Amazon
Two tourist in Amazon rainforest are captured, processed and devoured by cannibals. Include a tit-roast plate.
Content: 10 plates
The first plate is free.
Thumbnails in http://troublesinamazon.blogspot.com/
Price: 8 dollars
The first plate is free.
Thumbnails in http://junglekim.blogspot.com/
Price: 8 dollars
Their punishment: hanging. Then be roasted by their teachers.
Content: 10 plates
Thumbnails in http://darv1.blogspot.com/
Price: 8 dollars
Content: 10 plates
The first plate is free.
Thumbnails in http://troublesinamazon.blogspot.com/
Price: 8 dollars
Jungle Kim
Content: 10 platesThe first plate is free.
Thumbnails in http://junglekim.blogspot.com/
Price: 8 dollars
Five young catholic schoolgirls are surprised reading Darwin´s “The Origin of Species”.Their punishment: hanging. Then be roasted by their teachers.
Content: 10 plates
Thumbnails in http://darv1.blogspot.com/
Price: 8 dollars